
Quotes Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist

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Bercerita tentang dua saudara yang berusaha mengembalikan tubuh mereka masing-masing yang berubah karena telah melakukan hal terlarang dalam dunia alchemist, yakni berusaha menghidupkan mereka yang mati. Edward Elric dan Alphonse Elric melakukannya karena ingin ibu mereka dapat kembali hidup lagi. Namun bukannya mendapatkan kembali ibu mereka, mereka justru berubah dan kehilangan bagian tubuh mereka.
  • 1. Tomas Rose (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 1)
“Dengan percaya pada Tuhan, kau hidup bersyukur tiap hari dan berharap. Bukankah itu menakjubkan? Jika kau mempunyai iman, kau pasti akan mendapatkan yang lebih baik.”
  • 2. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 1)
“Selama ratusan tahun, para ilmuwan telah meneliti dan meneliti, tetapi mereka masih belum dapat memahaminya. Jadi, kamu bisa mengatakan itu adalah usaha yang sia-sia. Tetapi saya pikir itu jauh lebih berguna daripada sekedar berdoa dan menunggu.”
  • 3. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 1)
“Rose, apa kau punya keberanian untuk melihat kebenaran?”
  • 4. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 2)
“Tidak, Dewa membenci kami. Bahkan jika kami pergi (ke tempat Dewa), Dia akan mengirim kami kembali.”
  • 5. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 2)
“Jika tidak ada pintu keluar, maka aku akan membuatnya!”
Filosofinya seperti jika tidak ada kesempatan, maka akulah yang akan membuatnya.
  • 6. Elric Alphonse (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 2)
“Kakak disebut seorang ‘jenius’, tapi kakak membayarnya dengan ‘usaha’. Jadilah kakak seperti yang sekarang ini.”
  • 7. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 2)
“Pikirkanlah itu sendiri. Berdiri dan berjalanlah. Majulah. Setidaknya, kau memiliki kaki yang sempurna untuk berdiri.”
  • 8. Hulling (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 3)
“Nak, kau tidak mengerti. Ini adalah rumah kami, dan kuburan kami.”
  • 9. Gubernur Halcrow (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 4)
“Melupakan pekerjaan dan menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga bukan sebuah dosa”
  • 10. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 5)
“Kami ini manusia! Yang bahkan tak mampu menyelamatkan nyawa seorang gadis kecil! Kami manusia yang tak berarti!”
  • 11. Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 6)
“Manusia sangat sederhana. Pertumpahan darah melahirkan pertumpahan darah, kebencian menghasilkan kebencian. Sebuah akar energi yang bernanah sendiri di negeri ini dan mengukir puncak darah. Tak masalah berapa kalipun mereka mengulanginya, mereka tetap tidak bisa belajar. Manusia hanyalah makhluk bodoh dan menyedihkan.”
  • 12. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 6)
“Kepalaku sangat penuh sehingga aku tidak tau harus berpikir dari mana.”
  • 13. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 6)
“Sekarang aku mulai berpikir aku melakukan hal yang tidak akan bisa kulakukan. Kupikir aku mengerti hal itu. Aku seorang idiot. Aku tidak berkembang sejak itu.”
  • 14. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 6)
“Kupikir kalau aku keluar, mungkin hujan akan menghapus sebagian kesedihan ini. Tapi setiap tetes yang mengenai wajahku membuatku depresi.”
  • 15. Elric Alphonse (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 6)
“Kakak, aku ingin mengembalikan tubuhku lagi, aku ingin menjadi manusia sekali lagi. Walaupun itu berarti harus melakukan hal mustahil seperti melawan arus dunia.”
  • 16. Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 7)
“Di balik penghancuran terdapat penciptaan! Di balik penciptaan terdapat penghancuran! Penghancuran dan penciptaan adalah dua sisi koin yang sama! Hancurkan dan ciptakan, ini adalah hukum alam semesta!”
  • 17. Elric Alphonse (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 7)
“Akan kukatakan ini lagi dan lagi! Kau mungkin akan menemukan cara mengembalikan tubuh kita kalau kau selamat dan belajar lagi! Dan kau mungkin akan menemukan cara untuk menolong gadis malang seperti Nina! Tapi kenapa kau membuang kemungkinan itu dan memilih mati? Aku tak akan pernah memaafkanmu, kalau kau melakukan hal itu!”
  • 18. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 7)
“Tidak ada keadilan di balas dendam pada orang yang tak berdosa. Dia hanya membungkus keinginannya untuk membalas dendam dengan bertindak seperti ‘Utusan Tuhan’ dan bertingkah sombong.”
  • 19. Dr. Marcoh atau Dr. Maulo (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 8)
“Objek tak sempurna yang ada batasnya dan pada akhirnya menjadi tak berguna.”
  • 20. Dr. Rockbell Pinako (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 9)
“Ironis. Kami kehilangan keluarga karena perang, namun kami juga bisa makan karena perang tersebut.”
  • 21. Dr. Rockbell Pinako (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 9)
“Makanan lebih enak kalau dimakan bersama.”
  • 22. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 10)
“Mencoba sebaik mungkin adalah bakat”
  • 23. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 11)
“Ketika aku mulai berpikir dia sudah di dalam jangkauanku, dia kabur dariku. Dan ketika aku mendapatkannya, aku dijatuhkan oleh apa yang kudapatkan.”
  • 24. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 12)
“Tidak ada istilah pengecut di sebuah pertarungan.”
Maksudnya adalah di setiap pertarungan tidak hanya mengandalkan otak saja, tapi otak juga diperlukan untuk melakukan trik dan memperhitungkan statistik. Rencana itu perlu. Dan otak adalah perencana yang baik.
  • 25. Maria Ross (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 13)
“Jangan coba lakukan semuanya sendiri, ku mohon percayalah kepada orang-orang yang ada di sekitarmu.”
  • 26. Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 14)
“Cintaku tak bisa dihentikan oleh hal semacam pemotongan gaji!”
  • 27. Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 14)
“Ada saatnya sesuatu harus diucapkan agar dapat dimengerti.”
  • 28. Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 14)
“Lelaki adalah tipe yang lebih suka mengungkapkan perasaanya melalui tindakan daripada dengan kata-kata. Kalau mereka tau akan menderita, mereka akan berusaha menghindari bantuan dari orang lain. Mereka tak ingin orang-orang khawatir terhadap mereka. Itulah sebabnya mereka tak mengatakan apapun.”
  • 29. Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 14)
“Kamu biarkan tindakanmu berbicara lebih keras daripada kata-katamu!”
  • 30. Elric Alphonse (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 15)
“Jika kamu memikirkannya dengan logika, semua ‘memori’ hanyalah ‘sebuah informasi’”
  • 31. Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 15)
“Pak Hughes, saya kira ada saatnya kita harus mengungkapkannya dengan kata-kata supaya pesannya sampai.”
  • 32. Lear Ricardo & Sadila (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 18)
“Si bayi tinggal selama 280 hari di dalam ibunya sebelum keluar di dunia ini. Menakjubkan!”
  • 33. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 19)
“Karena ini kelahiran, sebuah kehidupan! Alchemist telah mencoba berabad-abad tetapi tak mampu menciptakan kehidupan. Sedangkan seorang wanita dapat melakukannya dalam waktu 280 hari.”
  • 34. Curtis Izumi (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 20)
“Sesuatu yang hidup suatu saat nyawanya akan habis. Daging badannya akan kembali ke tanah yang kemudian memekarkan tanaman. Roh atau ‘memory’nya menjadi santapan jiwa yang terus hidup di hati orang-orang terdekatnya. Semua yang ada di dunia ini mengalir mengikuti siklusnya. Termasuk nyawa manusia.”
  • 35. Elric Alphonse (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 21)
“Tetapi belajar sendiri juga ada batasnya.”
Maksudnya adalah, orang yang hanya belajar melalui buku tanpa melihat secara langsung apa yang dipelajarinya, bagaimana bentuknya, seperti apa sistemnya, dan membandingkannya dengan sesuatu yang serupa, orang itu tidak akan berkembang. Bisa dibilang ia pintar karena memahami teorinya, bahkan hingga hapal di luar kepala. Tetapi ia tidak cerdas. Cerdas adalah orang yang mampu menangani masalahnya dengan berpikir secara kritis.
  • 36. Curtis Izumi (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 21)
“Jika seorang anak ingin memilih jalan yang tidak benar, maka meluruskan jalan itu adalah tugas dari seorang guru bukan?”
  • 37. Curtis Izumi (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 22)
“Tidak ada ilmu yang melebihi pengalaman”
  • 38. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 22)
“Kita pernah cerita, bagaimana kalau kita mati disini. Ya, orang-orang akan bersedih. Mungkin itu anggapanmu saja. Jika dilihat secara luas. Kalaupun aku mati, dunia ini tetap saja berputar seolah tak terjadi apa-apa. Aku hanya sebuah sosok kecil. Apapun, kalau sosok kecil itu (aku) mati, jasad atau badanku akan tinggal tentunya. Air, karbon, kapur, garam, kalium, sulfur, magnesium, zat besi, silicon, dan alumunium, semua itu dan beberapa unsur kimia lainnya bersenyawa membentuk badanku. Setelah mati, bakteri akan mengurai semua unsur itu, yang kemudian menjadi makanan untuk tumbuhan. Lalu, binatang pemakan tumbuhan akan memakan tumbuhan itu untuk tumbuh. Binatang pemakan tumbuhan kemudian dimakan oleh binatang pemakan daging. Dan kemudiany binatang pemakan daging itu juga akan mati karena menua dan telah kembali ke awal setelah berputar secara alami (jasad hewan pemakan daging dimakan bakteri, bakteri menyuburkan tumbuhan, dan lain sebagainya). Sesuatu yang besar terus berputar tetapi tak terlihat. Apakah itu disebut ‘dunia’ atau ‘alam semesta’, aku tak tahu. Aku dan Al adalah sosok yang kecil yang ada di dalam perputaran besar itu. ‘Satu di dalam semua’. Tetapi saat ‘satu’ itu bergabung terbentuklah ‘semua’. Tanpa kita sadari dunia ini berputar mengikuti banyak hukum alam. Menggunakan perputaran itu untuk membuat atau menghancurkan sesuatu. ‘Semua adalah dunia, satu adalah aku’”
  • 39. Dr. Rockbell Pinako (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 23)
“Makanan juga membuat badan kuat.”
  • 40. Curtis Izumi (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 23)
“Mengetahui arus energi lawan memungkinkan kita memakai energi itu untuk melawannya.”
  • 41. Curtis Izumi (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 23)
“Semua di dunia ini berputar, mengikuti banyak hukum alam yang menetapkan siklusnya. Kematian dan kehidupan termasuk didalamnya. Karena itulah, menghidupkan kembali orang mati atau semacamnya tidak dibolehkan (karena melanggar hukum tersebut).”
  • 42. Curtis Sig (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 25)
“Hubungan antara guru dan murid mungkin sudah berakhir, tetapi mulai sekarang kita berhubungan sebagai sesama orang dewasa.”
  • 43. Dolcetto (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 26)
“Seorang lelaki harus memutuskan keputusannya sendiri.”
  • 44. Dolcetto (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 27)
“Yang hiduplah yang menjadi pemenang. Begitulah seleksi alam.”
  • 45. Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 27)
“Di dalam dunia ini ada bagian yang tidak disinari matahari (diabaikan). Karena keenakan mendapat cahaya, orang-orang dipermukaan tidak peduli dengan dunia dibalik sana.”
  • 46. Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 27)
“Tidak mungkin itulah hal yang tidak mungkin.”
  • 47. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 28)
“Pertukaran yang setara? Jangan ngomong seenak perutmu! Menculik saudaraku! Melukai guruku! Apa kau menghinaku dengan meminta pertukaran yang setara! Penjahatnya pantasnya dimuntahi! Dengan penjahat tidak ada istilah pertukaran setara!”
  • 48. Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 34)
“Dengan perang saudara, negara berjalan menuju kehancuran.”
  • 49. Istri Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 36)
“Kalau ada yang rela mengorbankan nyawanya demi menolong orang, mungkin bapak (Maes Hughes) lah orangnya. Dari dulu sudah begitu. Saat menolong orang, ia tak pernah memikirkan besarnya kerugian yang ia alami. Akan tetapi dibalik kerugian itu, ia mendapat banyak kebahagiaan. Kalian mengatakan, kalian ingin menyerah sampai disini, itu berarti kematian bapak menjadi sia-sia. Teruslah melangkah maju di jalan yang kalian yakini.”
  • 50. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 41)
“Apapun resikonya aku tak ingin kehilangan seseorang. Kalau di depan mataku ada seseorang yang akan menjadi korban, akan kulindungi. Mungkin itu sesuatu yang sulit. Dan kedengarannya arogan. Untuk melindungi diriku saja tangan ini sudah kewalahan, bagaimana bisa melindungi orang lain. Meski orang-orang mengatakan aku tak tahu diri, tetapi hanya itulah yang ada di dalam pikiranku saat ini. Aku memang bodoh.”
  • 51. Elric Alphonse (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 42)
“Mana bisa aku membencinya (ayah Elric bersaudara) kalau di dalam memoriku dia hampir tidak ada.”
  • 52. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 45)
“Aku juga tumbuh, cuman pelan-pelan!”
  • 53. Orang Ishvar (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 46)
“Aku mengerti kemarahanmu, tapi dendam hanya akan melahirkan bibit dendam baru.”
  • 54. Yao Ling (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 47)
“Jika raja kehilangan rakyatnya, dia bukan lagi seorang raja. Tapi, jika rakyat kehilangan rajanya, rakyat akan kalah.”
  • 55. Elric Alphonse (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 47)
“Benar bahwa ada banyak hal mengerikan tentang tubuhku, tetapi bukan berarti aku menyedihkan! Kau tidak punya alasan untuk mengasihaniku.”
  • 56. Yao Ling (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 51)
“This darkness is definitely a place that will drive you crazy.”
  • 57. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 51)
“If I give up even a little, Al’s (my brother) attacks and shouts will come flying at me. So it’s best not to complain.”
  • 58. Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 51)
“Humans are so easy to manipulate, such facinating living things!”
  • 59. Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 57)
“When I, who am called a ‘weapon’ or a ‘monster’, fight a real monster. I can fully realize that I am just a ‘human’.”
  • 60. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 57.1)
“Someone who hates you wouldn’t go through that kind of hardship, right? Don’t say things like that she (mother) doesn’t love you.”
  • 61. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 58)
“It’s not ‘I didn’t have to shoot’, it’s ‘I couldn’t shoot’. Even when my friend was in danger, I couldn’t pull the trigger.”
  • 62. Winry’s Father (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 58)
“Just because we’ve ‘done well’ doesn’t mean it’s over”
  • 63. Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 59)
“It’s a common pattern in movies and novels. Guys who talk happily about their family or lovers on the battlefield have a high chance of dying! Stop it right there!”
  • 64. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 62)
“I’ve said that I want to see you laugh again, but the truth is, I want to see everyone happy and laughing.”
  • 65. Elric Trisha (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 68)
“No matter what I end up looking like, if we can still take pictures of all of us smilling together, i’ll be happy. So please, stay with your family. Don’t be distant, don’t leave us alone.”
  • 66. Solf J. Kimblee (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 71)
“Fort Briggs lives by the motto ‘survival of the fittest’. A simple statement, but a powerfull truth. Our history on this planet is the result of evolution, and the most important part of evolution is survival of the fittest.”
  • 67. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 72)
“Sucker! You never lower your weapon in front of an enemy, little piggy.”
  • 68. Scar (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 72)
“Anything I could possibly say would just be an excuse. I killed the rockbells: the doctors: the husband and wife. I habe no more right to speak about my actions. You have every right to take your revenge on me.”
  • 69. Ishval’s People or Scar’s Master (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 72)
“Don’t get the wrong idea. ‘Enduring’ and ‘Forgiving’ are two very different things. We can never forgive the atrocities committed against us. We have every right to be angry. But we must endure that anger. Somebody has to be the one to stand up and sever these bonds of hatred.”
  • 70. Scar’s Brother (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 72)
“If one lets his rage control him, he’s no better than animal. We must not fall to that level. If too many people let these negative emotions take hold of them, eventually the world become a river of hate. But if we let them go and hold on to positive emotions instead, the world will become a river of justice and peace.”
  • 71. Elric Alphonse (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 73)
“You can’t just say ‘what I can do?’ and give up hope! No whining! No Crying! No giving up without even looking for a way to change your selves back! I’ve searched and searched. And i’ve finally found a thread connecting to something real. So i’m not giving up. I’m grabbing it, and following it to the end. Don’t just throw your hands up when things get hard. Grow Up!”
  • 72. Homunculus (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 74)
“Will you live your life to the end as a slave, bound to others, with no rights of your own? Trapped in a web, left to rot, dying with your freedom stolen and no knowledge or experience of the vast world we live in?”
  • 73. Homunculus (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 74)
“Knowledge is to be treasured. It is true power the only way to live a life without becoming a burden to others. The way a slave like you, can escape his shackless.”
  • 74. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 75)
“We humans get a lot of joy from friends and family.”
  • 75. Miles (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 76)
“That’s possible. Unfortunately, ‘possible is not good enough. Remember the laws of briggs. Let your guard down, and you’re dead.”
  • 76. Miles (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 76)
“Indeed anyone who thinks they can live in a world without killimg is being unreasonable. For our age, after being in so many battles, it becomes harder to let someone live than to kill them.”
  • 77. (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 76)
“(Shin-Hito) ‘shin’ is xingese for ‘true’, and ‘hito’ means ‘person’. A ‘true’ person is a ‘perfect’ person. Likewise, gold is called the ‘perfect metal’.”
  • 78. Solf J. Kimblee (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 76)
“The ‘courage to not kill’ is respectable policy. But actually following it on the battlefield is just handing your opponent an opening. That naivete.”
  • 79. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 77)
“I’m gonna use my own life energy to increase power. It might shorten my life span a little. I don’t have time to think. I’m in this situation because i’ve been too soft. I made a mess. And now I gotta clean it up.”
  • 80. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 78)
“No need to be so modest. The good food and your smiling face seems to give everyone strength.”
  • 81. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 78)
“Like father, like son.”
  • 82. Dr. Tim Marcoh (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 79)
“When you learn how to make something, you also learn how to destroy it!”
  • 83. Dr. Tim Marcoh (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 80)
“I wanted to do what I could, no matter how far I had to push myself.”
  • 84. Scar (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 80)
“This is no time to worry about someone else’s country. Did you really come here with such little dedication? If you get caught up in our affairs, will you tell the people who gave you your task, ‘sorry, I couldn’t help xing (Tiongkok) because was wrapped up in saving Amestris (America or England maybe)? Go. This country’s citizen will take care of things themselves.”
  • 85. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 81)
“I abandoned him and his brother when they just children. I’m sure he doesn’t even think of me as a father, and I have no idea what to say to him.”
  • 86. Someone (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 81)
“You exposed a huge lie. If you ask me, It was the right thing to do.”
  • 87. Tomas Rose (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 81)
“Maybe the true cause of the revolt was people placing all their faith in miracles and not thinking for themselves. That’s why we’re going to bring reole back to prosperity without waiting for a miracle to do it for us. We’re going to recover through our own efforts.”
  • 88. Yao Ling (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 82)
“The souls of true friends are linked by bond! You can’t wash a soul clean of something that’s become a part of it! You call yourself ‘Greed (his name)?’ he who wants the whole world for himself? You’re joke!”
  • 89. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 83)
“I’m not short! I just live in a big world!”
  • 90. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 83)
“It’s time you realize that you’re nothing but an amateur!”
  • 91. Elric Trisha (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 85)
“I’m sorry I can’t keep our promise. I have to go first.”
  • 92. Elric Edward (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 85)
“The next battle against them could be my last. I need to stay motivated.”
  • 93. Selim Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 85)
“Your soul is disgustingly weak!”
  • 94. Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 86)
“The beast within keeps howling, ‘kill him or be killed!”
  • 95. Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 87)
“I wish she’d stop acting like I was still a kid.”
  • 96. Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 87)
“The four of us all hold a one-way ticket to the battlefield. There will be no going back if we fail. And as such, I have one order, and you will obey it. ‘Do not die!’ is that clear?”
  • 97. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 88)
“A hero always wait until the last minute to save the day, right?”
  • 98. Selim Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 88)
“A hero? Do you plan on trying to defeat me?”
  • 99. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 88)
“Save your effort. I don’t intend to fight you. You’re much to frightening.” 100. Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 88) “You’ve tricked your mother so easily. You are deceiving her! Laughing at her from the shadows! That kind, gentle woman.”
  • 101. Selim Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 88)
“It is known as a ‘good mother’ to everyday world. Once, I was nearly run over by a car, and she jumped in front to protect me. But her desperate attemps to save me left me utterly bewildered. Though I have a father, there has never been anything I could refer to as a ‘mother’ this, I was intrigued. Is this it’s like to have a mother? Though we were only pretending to be a family, I am fond of that creature.”
  • 102. Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 89)
“We will protect your life with ours. And when all is said done, we’ll prove to you that our side is in the right.”
  • 103. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 89)
“Mustang’s gone soft too. Like little boys playing war. Central has never once seen an attack from a serious threat since it was founded. It sounds nice to saying it’s ‘thank to him,’ but I consider the lack of experience to be a weakness. He may have a powerful offense, but his defense isn’t up to snuff.”
  • 104. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 89)
“Ahahaha! You don’t know me at all, do you gentlemen? One of our final contingencies is, ‘if the situation calls for it, leave me behind.’ ‘Survival of the fittest’ is the iron law of Briggs! If I bite the dust here, it would only prove that I wasn’t fit, and they would cast me aside. They are unflappable, undeterrable, and they can act with or without me. That is what makes a Briggs Soldier. Don’t treat the idea that I’ve ‘raised’ them as superficial. Right on cue. You’re nothing but bait for the bears of Mount Briggs.”
  • 105. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 90)
“Men like you, sitting comfortably in your ‘green zones,’ watching the battlefield from afar. Making pain and suffering out to be some sort of noble gift!”
  • 106. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 90)
“And old fart like would much prefer to alone with the young girl.”
  • 107. Dr. Tim Marcoh (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 91)
“I can’t just sit here and watch.”
  • 108. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 91)
“Hearing you agree with me makes me mad for some reason.”
  • 109. Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 92)
“Yeah, I know. They’re made with human lives. Your big brother said you wanted to get your body back without having to use this. So don’t us it for your own sake. Use it to protect the world. I’m entrusting it to you because you still se people within this tiny pebble. No matter what we look like, we’re all fighting to protect something bigger than us. So let them help, too.”
  • 110. Solf J. Kimblee (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 92)
“‘The greater good.’ You can’t gain something without sacrificing something else.”
  • 111. Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 92)
“I wonder, why are there only two choices? ‘Save yourself and abandon everyone else.’ ‘Give up on returning to normal and save the world.’ Why are those the only options? Why can’t I choose ‘save the world and get our original bodies back.’ Seeing out new possibilities without regard for the rules is how we make new breakthroughs. How we evolve.”
  • 112. Solf J. Kimblee (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 92)
“I see. Experiment thoroughly enough, and you may discover new laws that the world must then abide by. That would mean there is a fourth option, ‘you lose your chance to return to normal, and you fail to save the world’.”
  • 113. Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 92)
“Kill you quick, then sleep.”
  • 114. Selim Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 93)
“You’re right, humans are quite persistent.”
  • 115. Yoki (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 93)
“I’m tired of you guys hogging all the cool parts! Let me be in the spotlight for once, damnit!”
  • 116. Selim Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 93)
“Brave humans sure are easy to trick.”
  • 117. Selim Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 93)
“Excelent, you’re still alive. Your suit’s new color fits you well, Kimblee. I see why one calls a Lion the ‘king of the jungle.’ He went straight for your throat. Very in tune with the idea of ‘survival of the fittest,’ Humans really have no place in this world at all, do they? You, always said you wanted to see which side the world would choose. Yet here you are, beaten and humiliated. Have no fear.”
  • 118. Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 93)
“When you know he’s going to charge, it’s easier to set a trap.”
  • 119. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 93)
“Make your choice! Shoot us, and those things will eat you alive! Or help us and start shooting those things! Think for yourself damnit!”
  • 120. May Chang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 93)
“A big bang puppets is dangerous. But just running away from you by yourself couldn’t be easier!”
  • 121. Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 93)
“Pathetic? Lemme ask you something. Don’t you humans enjoy watching others suffer, watching fools dance around like puppets? That’s why you start your wars, isn’t it?”
  • 122. Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 93)
“That’s that, you killed Hughes. That’s all I needed to know. There’s no need to say anything more, Envy. The first thing i’m gonna turn to ash is your tongue.”
  • 123. Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 94)
“You don’t get the luxury of speaking to others while im here. That flithy mouth of yours must have a lot of oil in it. It burns well, Envy.”
  • 124. Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 94)
“I can’t believe you made yourself a bigger target. You really thought bigger would be better? Stand up, demon. Grow your body back. You’re going to drown in pain and agony until you finally die.”
  • 125. Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 94)
“Hughes is dead! Dead and gone! Your games are just adding fuel to the flames!”
  • 126. Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 94)
“This is your real form? How ugly. I understand why you were called ‘Envy’. Envy is truly an ugly emotion. Get the fuck out of my sight, Envy!”
  • 127. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 95)
“Just take a good look at your face before you do anything! You think you can lead a country looking like that! That’s what you goal supposed to be!”
  • 128. Scar (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 95)
“...or will you let fury turn into little more than an animal? Thats your other option. It won’t bother me if you sink to our level. I have no right to stop anyone from taking revenge. I wonder how a world led by a beast in human skin would end up.”
  • 129. Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 96)
“Hahaha. How can we adults lie down and nap while children are fighting out there?”
  • 130. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 96)
“The kids will inherit the world, but right now we’re still in charge. So we need to show them how it’s done!”
  • 131. Izumi Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 96)
“In that case, we’ll do everything we can to help! Err, I wouldn’t expect much, though. I think I’m one of their ‘sacrifices’. I’ll fight for as long as I can, and make my escape before the really dangerous ones come after me.”
  • 132. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 96)
“Heh, I did the one thing you never could. You, my little friend from the flask, threw away something very important when you gave up your emotions. A being with no feelings won’t beat us so easily.”
  • 133. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 97)
“No where to go. No home to return to. To scared to stay. I ran.”
  • 134. King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 97)
“What need is there for a king to enter his own castle through the back door?”
  • 135. Buccaneer (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 97)
“Oh, come on. Don’t cry like a girl when you act like a man. Besides, no one around here is manlier than me!”
  • 136. King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 97)
“So pointless. Is this what you humans call ‘bravery in the face of death?’.”
  • 137. Soldier (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 98)
“We’re all soldiers. We’re supposed to follow our superior’s orders. But to be honest. I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
  • 138. Izumi Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 98)
“Believe in yourself. Pick a path that you, deep down in your soul, won’t be ashamed of.”
  • 139. Ling Yao (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 99)
“Forget it! You’re telling me to do the same thing King Bradley would! He’s trying to sacrifice every citizen in his own country. That’s not the kind of leader I want to be!”
  • 140. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 101)
“I see. Since he passed away with a smile, we shouldn’t cry over him. Let’s advance.”
  • 141. Homunculus (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 102)
“A pair of brothers who abandoned reason and tried to resurrect their departed mother, seeking her warmth once more. One loses a leg to stand on and his only remaining family, the other the ability to feel the warmth he so desperately missed. A woman who tried to take back her dead child, only to end up with a body that will never again nurture the seed of life. And a man who had a grand vision to save his country loses his eyesight, forever unable to see what his beloved nation will become. All bestowed their proper punishment, put in their place, robbed of your pride. That is what humans revered as your god, the ‘truth’.”
  • 142. King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 103)
“Splendid this, staring death straight in the eye. Feeling nothing but the pure rush of knowing you and your opponent intend to fight to the bitter end. No ranks, no history, no lineage, no race, no gender, no names, nothing. No ties to bind us, we fight for no one. It’s so comforting. Aah, finally.”
  • 143. Selim Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 104)
“Kill us? Give it your best shot. Your small stature has resulted in all of your opponents being bigger than you. Meaning, you have no idea how to fight someone smaller than yourself!”
  • 144. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 104)
“Yeah, I’m used to fighting oversized freaks of nature! Which is why, I know exactly how short people fight!”
  • 145. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 105)
“Good lord, look at me. I may have been a terrible father. But I can at least show my boys something cool!”
  • 146. Solf J. Kimblee (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 106)
“Eh... if you’d been able to fight in your present condition, I’d have stayed silent. In the same breath that you spoke of ‘pride as homunculus,’ you ran screaming to steal the body of one of the lower life-forms you so despise, just to escape your own predicament. You are hideous.”
  • 147. Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 108 - The End)
“I’m to blame for your lonliness and your attempt ro revive Trisha. It’s my fault for abandonning you, I’m the reason your bodies ended up like this. I’m sorry. I’ve lived long enough. At least, let my last act be that of a real father.”
  • 148. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 108 - The End)
“Even without alchemy, I still have my friends. You have beaten truth. Take it all.”
  • 149. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 108 - The End)
“Sometime’s taking it slow’s not so bad.”
  • 150. Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 108 - The End)
“That law states that if you receive 10, you can only give back 10. But if you receive 10, and add yourself, you can give 11 to next person. It’s not much, but it’s the new theory we’ve developed in contrast to equivalent exchange. Now we’ve just gotta prove it!”
  • 151. Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 108 - The End)
“I want to travel everywhere and see it all. On my own legs, with my own eyes!”
  • 152. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 108 - The End)
“Winry! Equivalent exchange. I’ll give you half of my life. And you give me half of yours!”
  • 153. Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 108 - The End)
“Oh God, why are you alchemist like this. ‘Equivalent exchange,’ how stupid are you?! You’re so dumb. Forget half, I’ll give you everything I have to give.”
  • 154. Journey’s End (Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 108 - The End)
“There is nothing from a lesson without pain. Because you can’t gain anything without sacrificing something in exchange. But when you overcome that pain and make the lesson your own, you will obtain an infallable, irreplaceable fullmetal heart.”
